Every Saturday, QueerAF helps you understand the queer headlines and stay on top of the latest LGBTQIA+ content - all while we support queer creatives. It's written by me, Matilda Davies, while Jamie takes a well-deserved break - and different queer creative each week.
💬 This week:
- Colorado Springs. After a tragedy has rocked our community, we explain what happened and what to do next
- Russia. The notorious “gay propaganda” law in Russia has just been expanded
- Queer Gaze. Alice Wilson celebrates ageing and queerness
⚠️ The news cycle has been especially difficult for queer people this week. We felt it was important to cover Colorado Springs as our main story, but we understand if reading more is too much for you. There are no other mentions of Colorado Springs after the top story, so feel free to skip down to the rest of the news if you’d like.
Skip the doom scrolling and support queer creatives instead. We are QueerAF – and so are you.
🖤 Colorado Springs: The aftermath of an attack on our community
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